Simple Beauty Part 1: My FLAWLESS skincare routine

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Before I say anything further I wouldjust like to note that not everyone has the same type of skin and/or problems with their skin. Certain products may have worked on me but that doesn’t mean you will get similar results. For those wondering I have normal to dry skin and always have had a lot of burning around my eyes. I have struggled with moderate acne since I was about twelve and this routine that I have been using for the last three months has completely cleared up my acne as well as minimized the look of my acne scars.

I have bounced around from ALL types of skincare brands and products trying to find something to clear up my acne and not until about three months ago did I find my holy grail. I know what it is like to try everything…literally everything; from homemade remedies to every drugstore face-wash, acne spot treatment, lotions and so on. Nothing ever seemed to work and by work I mean WALLAH the acne is gone. I have found that Neutrogena products were always my best bet when it came to controlling my acne and reducing the amount of pimples that appeared… that is, if you are not in my market for the high-end product that worked for me.

So, after many years of struggling I finally decided to see a dermatologist. The meeting took about three minutes and he barely even looked at my skin…didn’t even touch my face! PLUS PLUS PLUS! But anyways he prescribed me an Acne gel medicine called Differin and an antibiotic you take by mouth (however, I do not believe the pill did anything compared to the gel… SAVE your $$$). This prescription is very easy to come by if you have moderate acne, or even subtle acne. THIS WAS THE MAGIC PRODUCT FOR MY ACNE. I believe the prescription ran about $300 BUT I ordered it from a prescription website and got it for $150. I am not even a fifth of the way through the tube and I have been using it twice a day for three months. In my opinion this was the best thing I could have done for myself and I will be repurchasing the medication for many years to come.

My everyday skincare routine involves: (The links will take you to where you can purchase the product)


1) Wash face with PURITY face-wash 

2) Apply L’Oreal eye cream 

3) Apply Serious Skincare HI-BRIGHT eye cream

4) Apply 100% Pure Cosmetics Organic Coffee Bean Eye Cream

5) Apply Simple Replenishing Rich Moisturizer all over face


1) Wash face with PURITY face-wash

2) Apply L’Oreal eye cream

3) Apply Serious Skincare HI-BRIGHT eye cream

4) Apply Perlier Extreme Regenovive Hydro-Zone Face Cream all over face

5)Apply Equate Antibiotic Cream under eyes (Helps replenish moisture)

6) Apply Differin Acne Gel (Can be found at a pharmacy or an online pharmacy)


Comment down below if you have any questions!

Stay simple, stay classy, stay YOU!
